I am also available to work onto it.
Make a support ticket. He'll get perm banned and you'll get your money/items back.
I ship you guys
I'd like to enter but have 100K...
Make an support ticket along with the number of the house.
WINNER IS assasin45
Winner is announced is 1h and 6mn.
I'm not staff but I think It will be fixed shortly. MrTeddeh and the other Devs are working on hard on both fixing the lag and the hallowen event.
Wow this is a big trade!!! Just asking myself how you got all this stuff.
Nice vids dude! +1
I'll advertise and GTM1
THe glitch sometimes makes you stuck in chests when standing near/on them.
GG to him!!!
Do you like them? do you hate them?
Walter_wh1te 7
and GTM1 money is worth more than GTM5 money.
No one buys Money on the store, the price of money on the store is fucked up.
Hey mate! Premium--->Elite is worth 25$, I don't think many people will buy it for 2M and miniguns. If they were like 1-2 katana and a few...
Man I tell you how much it's worth and you put "retarted" , I mean you're retarded to think that 1 Million is worth 50$!