Amazing evidence, just check to see if it comes through in like an hour. If not, please contact a Mod/Admin.
1.9 PVP is better, because it requires skill instead of spamming the everliving shit out of your mouse. Make an appeal here if you haven't already please.
After working on the staff team, it became apparent to me that some players on GTM don't know how to buy a house. Today, I will be teaching you...
I've had the same issue, I will notify the devs and see if we can fix this bug.
Check out the Spider-Man one, it is even better than this:). [MEDIA]
Please don't triple post fam, we are working on fixing this issue for everybody. Be patient pls.
Ok, we will see what we can do. Thanks for reporting it.
Lavoreremo per risolvere questo problema, grazie per aver segnalato. Inoltre, qual รจ il tuo nome di gioco?
As I said before, I think that a median price would be ~200k per $1 USD based on what you are giving based to what you are recieving and factoring...
So you are offering $2,134,000 without the JPs ($142,266 per $1 USD) and $2,584,000 with the JPs ($172,266 per $1 USD). This isn't really an...
Send the video anyways just so that we can see who scammed you.
You could test which kind of gun and which kind of bullets are the best for shooting up a school... I mean for the army!
[MEDIA] Does this answer your question (video posted at 2:03 PM PST on 9/26/2017)?
Background- I've never played GTM2 until a couple of weeks ago when a friend of mine gave me a bunch of stuff. I don't need what they gave me, so...
I'm bouncing on the rebirth point is also forbidding your server A messy ban, we give up my id: star_ouo forbid my man is: XBone_ he says i'm god...
I watched DragonzzzYt's video, it looked like you were hacking. I'm not sure about the blackmail part though, I've heard of them doing that to...
In-game scamming (like if no IRL money is involved) is legal while IRL scamming (when a player buys something for another player off of the store...
My suggestion is instead of a head snap check, we can see if the entity takes damage or to see if the entity reports a hit. I'm sure that Hypixel...