Fred congraz on getting staff for like the millions time
43 playing minecraft? Yea i dont about that one cheif!
DUDE THIS HAS leGit NoThInG t0 D0 WiTh gtM
Awakening < Muscle's gang
Your not 19 luuul
Fun fact your testicles hasn't dropped yet daddybright!
I mean one less staff to mute/ban me soo (im kidding thats toxic you were a great staff wish you luck in what ever you do with your life next.)
I don't Agree SORRY
i know, i like it but i think he doesnt like it because it takes up too much screen
I hate to say it but i think your too nice xd be more mean l0l
I think he means that the old gtm RP in the new 1 the katana looks like a toothpick lul
this what i think about thos 2, Iwulf used gtm to get "big" and used sub bot. Buziat was just nice asf.
OMG HINT hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
This guy is a uncultured swine
Mb cheif
ok buddy.
*C0uGh c0UgH rOyA1 CoUgH*
Only 90s kids will remember YungPenguin