@Samurii check out my forum post "Lmao"
IRl deal for the third unban tbh this is sad im making this, i just wanna play gtm, im hecca poor this is what i have xd -3 dubs of wings -near a...
lol your the person who i found in fortnite in 1 shot xD lul
if you get in i will buy an unban.
You dont know corr?! omg thats sad
Roblox before GTM ez
I have one of you banning hover or what ever is name is
Ok i can give you that one, for banning so many people i have pictures of you saying at like 5am saying like "CatPlaysGtm and CatPlaysGtm1 has...
Ok your not staff anymore so it wont matter if you lie or not but did you really think i was hacking or just wanted me banned
i told you his ign then you were like give me his info or something once again it was at like 5am for me so i might be wrong but i remember you...
because we have beef, i got banned for 1 week because of my "hacks"
Because i was never hacking, you were just mad that i didnt give you syrup's acc info ( it was because he changed his password btw )
whos the adult. me? if you think im an adult your legit an liby
eh i dont about that one cheif can you send me the video of me "hacking"
Like your were 14 playing minecraft cmon buddy. thats sad, you cant say anything about me im like 12
and then the funny part was you called your self better then yung which is a 100% fucking lie your fucking retarded 12 year old, worst then...
Your 12 it didnt buddy