Can someone please tell me all 4 tags please thanks.
lmao retard! Trying to report me smh!!!
First of all you will never get admin ill legit paypal you 1000000000000000000000 million dollars if you get admin but you first gotta get helper...
Offensive my ass buddy, Your just sucking off staff members quit talking.
Stop disliking my things buddy no1 cares that you in Europe
im Kittens4050
plus i dont need your advise, when i played gtm i will be richer then you will ever be. I had an item that was worth like 50mill so.
lmao kiddo, idc about rank ups
Sniperoe Dont do this deal, it should be at least 1mill per dollar. or that was when i played gtm.
@AntonThePrince They dont giveaway ranks on forums, if you wanna get that get more msgs and stuff ;p
no. I think this is very dumb. Just like Owen said very p2w but maybe make a few changes such as there is an 15% of the loot comes to you but the...
Your not geting your stuff back. Stop asking
um I don't think Mojang deleted the servers, also they didn't just mute you for you asking for help. You mostly muted for spamming the ./help or...
We both can play like that kys dumb fat nigger.
5O million vbuxs thats kq
lmao yea have fun with your roblox guy, im guess your like 9. Theres no way your going to be active with toxicity.
Plx i n33d my da1ly w1sdoM1111