owendog = bad winger confirmed?
Ah only the real epic gamers know that one aka the water baiters aka me yeet noob (get an clear water rp)
Dont spam appeals, only make 1 forum post. Why were you banned Meth Abusing (which is where you take an meth and when the bad things come you just...
(2/2) banned
(1/2) @JJrocks2001 @SkylixMC so lets say someone banned aka me have got to first place in the voting reward how would i get the card if im
Question *
lol hope you get accepted but your missing the hacking quesition, i ik its ok cos you have never hacked ever in your life ez
Hey JJrocks is there any way i can still get helper? i know how to use discord now and i also know that ive made many mistakes in the past, but i...
I dont think you have the room to speak, I think you should be making an an apologies too. :rolleyes:
@MafiosoKitten_ your toxic lol. ez can you tell me the tags tho, i sold you that 15 perm for cheap. cmon tanks. <o/ (tanks is better then thanks)
gtm4 is the same thing as gtm3 idc or whatever servers you have open :?
tbh this is an fine deal for gtm3 an kat is like 500-1mill, jps are like 100k wings are like 75k thats like 6mill semi fine deal :P
Just saying that, If you don't have an payed rank, 10 or more playtime, Toxic, never hacked or got perm banned for something like that ect, and...
He wasn't talking to you Cx
i kneffy agree
Anton try using an wingsuit or im guessing @HunterAura312 would be nice and tpa you up there.
he leaked staff info. idk why hes apologizing rn. i think hes kinda late
he called me out first. He also sucks off everyone he legit put on all the Sirmods+ profiles "OMG YOUR SO GOOD AT WHAT YOU DO DUDE #BESTSTAFF"