wtf 50$ for an permit HOUSE MANGO NOOOOOOOOOOOO
Kwon, Can you tell me the the 4 tags (from the easter event) or unban me so i can see them myself ;)
um thanks?
xxgamerhdx hacking on alts? when you legit call any1 out for hacks. i mean you even called me out for hacking smh.
more awakening staff members huh?
how about no?
retard of gtm? im pretty retarded!
resigned lololololollol
@MafiosoKitten_ THanks 4 the epic liKe
dark i bet thats like one of the 10000000000 alts you have
Harbo Garbo
That was sus Darkrai not going to lie
Its raining all day for me. Feels bad man. (or woman)
Understandable have an good day.
when they would hear an *Crack*
yall sum crazy nigros!!!! Miniguns make people stacks!!!
Dumby if they spec an jper or something thats easy to see if an jper randomly like off his helm its obv
@MafiosoKitten_ i could not care less that you disliking my stuff i just wanna know the tags. Your just mad of my obv "Skill"
btw if you take of your helm during meth with the bad stuff comes, thats bannable now :?