DieHeldernaar ur FAT! <3
Heyy, your a new admin??
Could you for me crowbars? xD My ingame name is iGiveYouBright :D
HAHHA Its fake tho xD
Its fake xD
Oh yeah hes dumb xD
Skylix is always the person with every answer xD
Whut, i dont get this HAHAHAH
I will give BeastlyDude9 1,3 mil on GTM1 for 100 crowbars. (Ima get poor guys) I agree, do you agree BeastlyDude9?
He sayd he wanted to scam me in chat. I made svcreen of this, is that banable?
I will pay Creeper0201 2,5 mil for 1000 crowbars I agree, do you agree
Nah lock this he tried to scam me xD
I will give GTB_Man2 3 mil and he buys me 1000 crowbars on GTM1. I agree, do you agree GTB_Man2?
Oh okay
He deleted his comment, did everything worked out great?
Well ima think he doesnt need crowbars, supreme and money. Or do you think so? xD
Heyy could you buy me 500 crowbars for 3 mil? My ign is iGiveYouBright
He is going he will come back later!
I will give fovv 3 mil on GTM1 for 500 crowbars on GTM1. I agree, fovv you agree?