Gimme it for free ma rich boi:rolleyes:
Flaming, i heard that if you sucks Mix his dick, he gives you 500 Crowbarso_O
Bigmario, you cheat on me :( You didnt wanted to do an IRL deal with me :( What do you say now? :oops:
If you dont want, then dont do it. But if you want to make me happy, do it xD
I hope that you wil do an IRL deal with me on GTM1 one time..:D
Im 12..
Why cant you say the whole name? I got his head tho
RLY?! GIMME ONE:D How did you get them??
This is so dumb tough..
Hahah xD
What was legacy? :D:D:D
Yeah, well, i think the people who just give love to staff are enough. Lets hope they dont get too much hate
“It is in my Bank konto”? Can you give us some more information? And the server will not give you money back if you bought something in the store.
Whut?? I will be home in 1 hour. Isnt it possible to join the server anymore?
Well i do.. xD
I just dont like it when people hate to Staff. Like, im not always happy with their decisions, but im not hating. And so far is i know, on much...
Yeah, sometimes noone responds. But most of time they answer. And if they dont respond, then i jist send the message again when you cant see it...
Do i also deserve an cookie... :(
Well im not laughing to them. But i was lauging about how he says “im not paying hin”. It may be rare for you, but for me it was just funny.
i just wanted to say something to all staff. I just want to say thankyou for everything you guys are doing! I see so much things happening on the...