But i think it woulde be nice to give them some perks? Or that they get something, that they earn also something for there hard work.
Well, this is like okay. But i think they would deserve some cind of tag like GuestBuilder - GBuilder. Something that they are also a part of the...
I know, i aqlso hope any Manager answers, and i hope they will discus about it. :D
... Im dying rn but please dont necro post xD I really want a real Builders rank tough xD
Hey, i just wanted to come up with something that i think isnt good. Like, Builders are working days to build buildings etc. for the GTM map. Like...
Im sorry, it was like a bit rare. Bc first he couldnt answer or something, later he could do it. Then he wanted me to make a new post, im sry!
I will pay you 50k, dont do this Nassim. Do it for ma Crowbars :cool:
Really nigga? Your joking?!
Yeah xD But i recorded everything and its by forum, so he will get banned xD I also tolded im him but yeah, people always think they dont get...
He scammed me i think, he logged when i first payd 4,5 mil
I will give him on GTM1 8,5 mil for 2500 crowbars. I agree, do you agree?
I will give him 13 mil for 2500 crowbars on gtm1. I agree, do you agree ACJ2019?
Fuck this he couldnt answer i think he doesnt want to buy xD
I agree tough again xD
I will give him on GTM1 7 mil for 2500 crowbars. I agree, do you agree?
Mhm, he getta get those Crowbars tough xD (I will also watch hjow you are doing the special show)
Get me some crowbars :P I will make your sex life better, @DieHeldernaar WIll give you a special red light show and @JustNassim Will do more ;) xD
He needed to sign bc of IRL reasons, i hope he comes back fast :D
I got 2 dubs of wings. + 2 times 64 and 1 time 23. Wanna go ingame to make a deal for some wings and millions? Then you dont need to wait 3 days,...