When the server was hacked and nobody could get on to register votes.
I did well until it got hacked, then i quit because i thought my chances would be ruined.
Plz read^
Really... an 11 year old in collage studying business... makes tons of sense. Id be surprised if pres makes more then $50,000 a year from gtm.
Sounds like most kids xD
Both my parents are teachers and i coach swimming during the summer, i offer high quality lessons.
Sounds like a lot of math!!! Will do!!!
It makes it harder to achieve, permits are the only thing in the tokenshop that are perm and it is almost OP that supremes get 5 free permits a...
Theres already like 10 threads with similar complaints, and i was trying to make a point so next time im going to post exactly where i feel the...
When will the server be fixed? Lag gets worse every day!
Promo to mod can happen anytime and for you it needs to happen now.
Oohh, great idea You can customize a kit for yourself and anytime when you type in IDK... /kitcustom1 it takes $$$$ out of your bank and gives...
We should add a new shop to the spawn, it should be close to spawn and have an entrence kind of like the sewer from last spawn. This is because...
Theres a reason they make you buy in bulk.
Honestly bright should get mod asap, he's an amazing staff member and i feel that the community wants that to happen. Why: because he needs and...
Why would you lower the selling price of a JP just so you could allow a drop in value? That makes no sense at all, not to mention that that would...
Not possible, JP's cant go under 75K BC that's how much they sell for in the trashcan.
The katana and wingsuit cheatcode fucked up the economy in like a week. Another thing is exactly like sky said... thats a big part of sponsor and...
Never heard an 11 year old use the word "exams" so im just going to dismiss that RN.