So ded!!!!!!!!!
This debate has been going on for a while and has quieted down over the past month or so and i want to make sure that tge staff team knows that...
xD, ill add you when i have time.:D
Sure thing, if i get some of those gtm2 goodies xD You actually made me realize i need to work on that signature.
Ill give some anal for that stuff on gtm2.
Vice is by no means a "Small Product" it has just as much advertising and potential as gtm. You cant measure a products importance before the...
GTM is a very real business existing in a harsh world, our managers are managers of a business and we the players are consumers. I have never...
Im really upset about these announcments coming together because one 100% deserves a dislike and the other 100% deserves a like! Paraldon you...
Holy shit I was right, see you guys in SEVERAL weeks. Adios paraldon
Who exactly is this man, and where is he now?
That's a LOT of coding for an event, a grapling hook would be much more complicated then a jetpack or gun would be to code. Also a grapling hook...
But if your quitting then why would you want more stuff from the store? other then just helping the server.
If your trying to trade this stuff for IRL cash that is an illigal deal my friend, your options are. -Quit and give it away -Quit and give it...
The only acception is pinned threads and gang applications.
No way in hell ITUnprofessional and BarkMeowRawr are legit, if they are there better then proxorr and prizm_blitz.
Well... see you guys in a few weeks!!!
1 jp on gtm3
Little bit offtopic but the top of kingcirdVII's house behind gass on gtm2 looks pretty bad, pls have a builder redo it!!!
Jees that's a lot of katanas!