But you dont need to make a whole new one, just replace the outer layer of the model with the patern and colors you want and save it, then apply....
Yes, i do it all the time.
Bright it would be the same as switching the standard RP, honestly the server needs this to spice up the gun skin's cus honestly there not that...
On the payment completed page you can see that it says "this page is NOT proof of purchase" In order to fix this you must create a purchase...
xMini WTF?
Hackers are annoying, hackers are gay, and hackers are everywhere. Heres how you as a player can spot hackers and get them bannished from from our...
Hate to break it to you but the only thing in that chest people are really interested in is the JP and maby the kwons/samuri's Try offering some...
No problem!!! @SkylixMC ^^^
Yes, look for an answer every day.
You dont have to be, after all... how can you make friends if you never talk to strangers?
Heeeeerrrrr... it costs money.
Theres a couple things holding me back IRL but i would have already applied if they werent there, mostly with PT but also with communication, i...
K, thank you I think we can eleminate that your trying to get money to rankup, or, a friend stealing it so i think your legit. How it happened i...
Some questions... How much money do you have now? Do any friends have your account info? Is your account new or (Pre-Owned)? Have you ever...
This is ingame scamming, however it sounds very similar to a trade glitch i have seen before. Not quite sure how to use it though (I triggered it...
I love these, could you tell me what you used to make them?
One is hopefully coming soon PresidentX is personally going to balance them.
Yay, gtm2 might get more then 20 players now.
Great deal, i wish i could do it.
Katana and wingsuit cheatcodes were taken out of the server, you should have a giftcard for the buycraft compensating you. Just do /mail, if it...