@HenningLenz When your serieus why and dont do it (but if you really want to give iT away, im in)
Who is the head builder?
But eating coockies ist the best
Just to say if you diddnt know (your @Staff isnt working)
If he is using iT yes he is
@3x6IstAuch18 noch was anderes : nur mod, srmod, admin, manager, owner und manche devs Können bannen keine normalen spieler
@KYLEHASARRIVED who do you mean?
Idk how much katanas are worth on gtm5 but i think this is a bit to low for the upgrade
If you are scared to get netted, then dont go wingsuiting but take a jp. Wingsuit is allreaddy op enough
Also in the morning in germany, like in the weekend there are only helpop or no staff online
(Bitte spreche english auf forums) if iT wasnt an irl deal scam, scamming is allowed also this screenshot is almost no proof because there are no...
@NoHaxJustSpark clicked wrong xD
Ahmmmmm which dislike ? XD
@pistanmarc you forgot your favourite one cause that is eating cookies :D
Hope noone is scamming :D
If your not in the Same gang you can decap ppl in premium houses
Ima give you my supreme kit and Some Jps k?
Rip xD that are the worst problems ever xD like with me i had 2 teamates who where not teamed with each other and they were both adder to my...
I joined like july 2015 or something
Hey, I'm Janigaming, if you have any questions feel free to ask just pm me here or on discord(discord name Janigaming#3300) add me as friend