Ahem, i have iT xD
Dodi, deze deal is overpay
Mix is allreaddy my grandpa and skylix is my daddy
Lollllllll, you maybe can be an admin if you are very long a staff member, and you begin with helpop, then mod, srmod and then admin. And i dont...
Well, i would take the irl cash, cause i can buy a new pc with iT (to play Gtm ofcourse) and when i bought the pc i can buu stuff on gtm
And if he wants 500 dollar store credit?
Because of the premium house raud-glitch, i lost about 2.5 dubs of ranked ppl and staff head (some of them arent even playing anymore) and i lost...
Oke mix is right, but also that other one (i dont know what he Said but if iT where normal questions, then i think iT was a fals ban.) another...
@Fearzz ben je gescammed?
Gg on helpop
I wanna have your account :D
My hobbys are: Gtm, sport, school and eating xD Im 13.5 years old
Same here, and even still now i call iT just the Armour shop xD
@peraldon (sorry for tagging you) but how can we actually make the drugs like there is no tutorial abiut the machines or something else
Are the cartels from vice one resetten or deleted?
Hello, whats up