i give him 32 katanas stacked 20MILL and taem for 1K crowbars i agrwee IGN 72hrs_
he bu yme 10$ giftcard to my email and i give him 2 wings 2 jps 2 kats 500k
He BUYS LmaoEzz Premium and i give him 15m! i agree
I give him 8m for a 10$ giftcard to my email
Didnt recieve gift i thought i did but i didnt
Im giving iBoot 8,5m and a wingsuit for a 10$ giftcard to my email
i give him 25m for 500 crowbars for Melon_Messiah
he buys Melon_Messiah 500 crowbars and i FlirtySquirty gives him 25m i agree
Iil give him 125 Wingsuits 12m 32 jetpack katanas and Dieheldernaar head for an 25$ Giftcard of the gtm store to my email i agree My ignj Is...
i give lordjetpacks 9m for a 10$ giftcard of the store to my email
i agree
I FlirtySquirty gives him 10m for 10$ giftcard TOOO MY EMAIL