me and luma25 were doing a traed 3mill on gtm1 for 4.3mill gtm 4 i gave gtm 1 what happend is firstwe did it in 2 times first 1,5mill for 2.15mill...
i give him an 15$ giftcard he gives me 11m and 32 800 chgips in return i AGREE (NoHacksJustMocro)
Yep :D
i give him 6$ giftcard of gtm code he give me 6m :D Gtm 1
i agreee
deall went good both parties happy
THOMAS1302 buys me 50$ 10$ 10$ 10$ giftcards. TO MY EMAIL AND MY IGN (NoHacksJustMocro) and i give him in return 5 jetpack katanas and 74millions...
Deeall done Both Parties are really happy :)
I give him 25$ giftcard he give me 3 dub jp 1 dub kat 8.8mill on gtm 1
i give him 10 jp 10 wing 2 katana NoHacksjustmocro head 72hrs_ decap 22mill 20 minis for 25$ giftcard
Deal went great both Parties are happy :D
he give me 54 minis and 14.46m and i give him 15$ gioftcard i agree (NoHacksJustMocro)
Deall went great both parties are happy :D
i give him 20mill and 5mill in items its al counted out on ss and he gives me an 25$ giftcard to my email i agree IGN (NoHacksJustMocro)
Dealll went great both parties are happy :D
i give him 50 wingsuits 20 jp katanas skylixmc head 20million and he gives me 3x 10$ giftcard to my email
i give him 25$ giftcard he give me 25m
done good deal,
i give him 10$ giftcard he give me 10mil gtm 1