i (NoHacksJustMocro) buy AlgoYT vip to premium for 12m on gtm 1 when i scamming i get perm ban i agree
me (N0HaxJustElite) buys MaxGamesBE Premium to Elite For 19.7mill i agree
i agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Sure i agree
yea ok i agree
Deall - Done Both parties are really happy
I give him 3x 10$ giftcards 1x 25$ giftcrad WHICH i wont use and if i do he can report me for irl dael scam. and in return he gives me....
all went good and is COMPLEETED
me NoHacksJustMocro agreees to this deal at long that this giftcards come to my email.
he buys me 2x 10$ giftcard to my email and i give him 18mill 5jp kat wings i agree
i give him 19mill and 54 minis for 2x 10$ giftcard To my email
he gives me 2x 10$ giftcard to my email. and i give him 54 miniguns and 18mill
he buy me 10$giftcard i give hm 12 800 chips 10 jp kats 5 wings and 5million
i give him 1 dub of jetpacks (54) 1 dub kats (54) and 1mill for 10$ giftcard to my EMAIL
all went good
i agree my email.
went gucci
i give him 25$ giftcard he give me 26m gtm 1 and 1mill gtm 4
he gives me 15mill in Return he gets 15$ GIFTCARD
i give him 20mill he gievs me 25$ giftcard to my email i agree (N0HaxJustElite)