No problem, just watch out for scammers. ;)
That is enough. I will get staff to confirm this. @Diz @pistanmarc
Ok. Well, did he delete is comment on the deal thread?
Nice deal, a lot of loot. I hope you can easily find someone interested soon.
Ok. Do you have screenshots of you giving him the money?
Did you take screenshots?
Hey guys, This post is dedicated towards the recently promoted mod, Diz. Diz, you a great guy and certainly worth the position you recieved....
Congratulations to the winner, RedBinAkamata8! The number was 2. Please tell me when you have the opportunity to claim your reward! Thank you to...
Hey, can you play now? I am available to work on the base now. :)
Thanks for hosting a giveaway! Much respect to you.
Hi, great giveaway! I will possibly enter later this week. Good luck to everybody!
That is a very good offer. I hope you find someone interested in doing a deal with you soon! :)
Yeah, Mishel deserved it. I am very excited to find out who the remaining two HelpOPs will be. ;)
The character limit is there for a reason. It is to ensure that the server's staff team is at it's best quality.
Congradulations to assasin!
Hey buddy, I doubt that. Maybe it's just that you, along with the people banned, don't quite understand why you were banned. Try going over the...
Tomorrow, once I have access to my computer. :)
That's a shame. It was a very good deal. Try to find someone else, with the amount you are offering, you will easily find somebody interested.
Enjoy the deal! Sounds fair. KremSanti does not appear to have a forums account, tell him/her to get one. :)
The glitch still exists? It appears to be solved on my screen.. strange! If that is the case I hope this issue gets fully resolved. ;)