ok thank you
I am paying 3 mil in gtm 1 for vip -> premium (15$)
are you staff ? but thanks for the support <3
the deal was in gtm 1
totokoala have say his forum account is stuck, and if he scam me he get banned he say we did it with screens on forum but he scammed me.[ATTACH]...
he say he want get banned if he scam me on this way :
Who can buy me vip -> premium (15 dollar) i pay 2.95mil and give 1 katana in gtm 1.
i found it here is the link for 1 guy [MEDIA]
sorry i don't now how to film :( but another premium have filmed 1 his name is dragonzzzYT i am going seek a link
okey guys thank you for the help i love the staff <3 i am going get tokens :D
uhm ok than i am going get enough permits to have more chests thanks for help. i have only 1 thing my 500k house have been for a long time empty...
there are 3 godmode hackers at gtm 1 the names are FaZe_SixZy_ISGAY, nikl903 and ItsUnCutHD
i can't set chests in it?
can staff build me a 3 or 8 permit house??
but the empty house glitch isn't fixt
the price that i pay is now 2.7 mil and 1 katana
i'm now vip and godfather in gtm 1
say if you do it