i payt :D
Ok i am coming i try
Bryan_2212 what time is it now by you by my iT is 15:23
dame need to be same
But where do you live in europe the time is not the dame everywhere i live in the netherlands
Ok 17:00 is A good time
It is also late for me How late do we do The deal i live in Europe It is now 22:35
click this link https://grandtheftmc.net/threads/irl-deals-with-bryan_2212.549/
You buy me vip -> premium 15$ and i pay you in gtm 1: 3.4mil 1katana 4wingsuit 2jp + 1 kit supreme and if i have the rank you get 100k extra. I...
when are you online??
You also say i agree ?
I agree the deal but i don’t now of i van today i hope i can
i give you in gtm 1 : 3.4mil 1 katana 4 wingsuit 2 jetpack + 1 kit supreme for vip -> premium (15$) if i have premium than i pay you 100k extra :D
drakendoder8 buys me vip -> premium (15$) and i pay him in gtm 1: 3.38mil 1 katana 4 wing 2 jp + kit supreme and if i have premium i give him 100k...
he is offline the deal is canceld but if someone other want it react on this
The deal is he buys me vip -> premium (15$) and i pay him 3.3mil 1 katana 4 wing and 2 JP in gtm 1 with Miracle_gamer Say i agree if you do the deal
canceld but if someone other want to do it reply this message
he buys me vip -> premium and i pay him 3.05mil on gtm 1. bigwollyteddy say i igree if you accept it