[MEDIA] enjoy
they're all diamond swords and u guys coded the guns to be a certain durability and diamond sword a diamond sword is 1 texture so that would mean...
i understand that but keep in mind, 3d items make minecraft lag already. using the texture pack that make the minigun (other guns) 2d makes it so...
mb what i meant was like when u hold it it takes up the whole right side of the screen.
i dont want no big ass mini in my inventory aight?
can u check my support ticket on a purchase?
https://gyazo.com/801bb97db118b1fe3ef41b57e23d1f62 LOL HE ACCIDENTLY WROTE THE NAME WRONG LUL
https://gyazo.com/e0c64a94f875d697c6890c46bebb05ad he agreed in mc chat as he couldn't figure out how to use forums.
on gtm5
I will pay Hunter360dane 8mil, 5 jps and, grand's head for 15 permits do u agree?
The "Net Launcher" is currently an issue. It's currently like a rpg spammer that reloads really fast. I recommend fixing this asap as people who...
and defeats purpose to customize just even 1 gun
all the textures are within the diamond sword u cannot change them to 2d items or it'll take a while to.
Hey guys, before this happened I and others were able to create custom texture packs for gtm. And make it so that the mini gun wouldn't take up...
https://gyazo.com/72b31f36c2050ac24075c414bbee52f8 https://gyazo.com/39cef34744dce8d0b26f8ee0ee96c33f...
when is chainsaw gonna be fixed?
I've noticed that the gun has been lowered (damage). It is so hard to kill people now as people are so tanky.