[MEDIA] one part of the video you'll see why.
My Goal is 10mil. The way it works is you donate, once i reach 10mil from donations ill release all the packs that i've created and yeah. ill keep...
[MEDIA] enjoy :)
hey guys i've created 2 gtm custom packs aka customizing the colors and armor I was told that i couldn't be able to sell them for in game money i...
cant sell it rip.
[MEDIA] :) if you really want ill sell it for 2mil on gtm1 xD
the beer gives drowziness ofc you will hit randomly
its a beer dummy xD
over 2 mil on all
I have alot of money on those servers im looking for gtm 1 money if u want to trade say something.
his main server is gtm2
TopTim11 100% legit went first https://gyazo.com/1fdac034c53975a1eac1a58ac8c570e1
Hey, what i've noticed through out playing on this server is the hit detection and range is ass. The Pvp is usually u looking at one direction and...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG]https://gyazo.com/11ef88b4da50bca8e723c8d05adc3915 https://gyazo.com/6964fb97c464048cf2bfc2d3902d5532...
[MEDIA] gave an vip rank but, this guy completely ignores it xD
I Agree Once Again XD
I Agree
Grandacity. This is a false ban i am pretty sure as i have played with him many times. this is the evidence u have provided....