Oof I don’t even have 300 k D:
no sorry man
Oof, i didnt won D:
Oof, do you have Skype? If yes Pm me with you Skype name and then ill help you later
If you wanna get unbanned be patient, I mean they are working for you. I think if you can’t be patient you don’t deserve an unban. Everyone needs...
Ju probiere den log zu finden dass jemand dir Geld geschickt hat.
#Rip @SkylixMC
#Rip @DieHeldernaar
Yes oke, actually this is true but as that other Guy allready Said, its almost imposaible to kill anyone now in wingsuit. So what if you make it...
It would be really awesome if /stack would come back (#morespaceinbp:D)
What if you make iT 2 shot?
If staff wouldnt care about the players they would have never done this update. Okey you are a bit right (but only a littlelittle) cause im...
What did you got banned for?
Oof junkie here xD
dont necropost plz
yes. and also the granade launchers are way to op now
Okay guys, in ready to quit Gtm. I just got killed 3 times by a hobo with a knife cause he came in my back. Without strong weapons were fukt
Actually minigun has to be a strong weapon but I was to strong and had good accuracy so yeh let’s come on point what if you set the damage of the...
Oof to much text