Bad deal. Try adding more items or money
Lol I’m glad the staff aren’t on. It gives me videos to spam on YouTube for views.
Added more money
Naaaaahhhhh. You’re just jealous that I got a superior toaster...
idk. I just ordered it off of amazon for 39.95
My computer is a toaster...
"When winging you don't simply 'get shot by a net,' you more like fly into the net that's in front of you..."
I'm telling them to change it, so the 5 permits for 2000 tokens will now become 1 permit for 400 tokens.... In my original post, it said "change..."
umm is legit has no difference. In the tokenshop, to buy 5 permits it costs 2000 tokens. Do 2000 divided by 5 = 400... Its still the same price....
I got a great idea... Please please please change it to 1 permit for 400 tokens. Reason why is because it takes forever to save up 2000 tokens...
that's exactly me when I'm winging... All i do is homing. ez kills
this is probs a scam...
It did thankfully...
Damn. If you’re gonna watch any of these, I advise you to be careful and keep a trash can near you just in case you throw up. MAJOR cringe...
I’ll think about it. I’ll talk to cord a bit about it as well. Thanks.
True. Ima try that. Currently though I’m starting to play GTM1 so hopefully I can get good items there to do donor deals with.
Yeah I thought about that. Ill probs offer more once I find a buyer.
JJrocks isn't responsible for your actions. Suicide isn't even the answer to anything. Try talking to someone about your problems. You'll see how...
the reason why is because whenever he's about to die on wing and is in combat, he somehow bypasses it and doesn't lose his items. He did this to...