@Coltll be quiet that's a little rude.
Where is the video link???
gg 2 admins prez and a HelpOP on at the same time XD
i think psychopath and gtm god should be brought back cause i will eventually get that :)
maybe but he never looked in the chests and then im pretty sure he got banned but idk.
so i dont know if it is the same glitch.
He told me to tp to him when he was in my gang, but i never saw him open any chests although, he could replace the bongs and this was also before...
also i'm not European XD
i play gtm3 and i would love helpOP but we'll see
i agree with the casino games.
that would be fun but there could be someone with amazing wifi and then they'll get all of the loot
i disagree with this cause just like alladdin said a hobo could fine a dupe glitch then change every house on he map XD
the first key is not binary its base 10 i think XD
u should probably raise the reward by alot
1v1 me nob
oh i didnt know :>