While it is a fair price for being forgiven of breaking rules it is also quite high in my opinion. Everybody has there own opinion, especialy of...
-GTM1 -In mindiana. -You need 20 permits - not sure what he wants but id let go of a house like this for 500K-1mil.
I think he means they are very expensive, which they are. 1st $30 2nd $50 3rd $75 Honestly thats pretty close to my reaction, besides the "fuck u"
People often say "we need a reset" and the can always expect to hear "a reset would kill gtm" from me, they often ask me why so here it is. If...
Well i mean theres only one message in chat at a time, that makes me think that there coming pretty slowley.
Well im still against it but im coming to realize that there are some good things that will come out of it, im not to happy with how its being...
Its not that i dont like gtm, its a great server and ive met some great friends through it. However like anything good there is always something...
I just ment it to be a short little summerization of gtm1, i personally will be moving to gtm4 BC i think theres more for me there but i apreciate...
I dont speak german, and im sure gtm4 is the same or flooded with hackers.
When you log onto gtm1 you can expect tsunami's of lag, both internet and FPS. When you log onto gtm1 you can expect an ecosystem of throwable...
You should make an option for players to drop money instead of guns, all the gear they have in there inv except nets, kats, wings, JP's,...
K, ill try it... thx
If he could take screenshots that quickly then wouldn't the previous chat messages still be onscreen? Also why would he move between shot's?
My RP works fine but whenever i try to use a custom one by chirag or undeadhamburger the items dont change, any clue how to fix it?
If your main GTM is 3 or 5 and you have not transfered your stuff yet pls start a conversation with me here on forums.
Im not saying that your lying but anybody could say that, how do we know ByAngstYT isn't your IRL friend or your brother?
That's not the point, are you actualy blaming us for having to move???
do you mean what do i think?? if so im still pretty mad but im slowly changing my mind, im glad to meet some new people and im slowly finding...