Its a gold mini
Your the litteral definition of toxicity.
But we can discourage it.
"Yes IK this is an 18+ server but that doesn't mean it has to be toxic, much less as toxic as it is."
Fix the hitreg, i have good internet and hits take a full second to register, no matter who hits or gets hit by me. Fix the lag on gtm4, you...
I know both of you are good staff members but learn the fucking rules, he was scammed using a glitch which is ILLEGAL. Unfortunately...
Could we get an idea as to what those priorities are? I think that would clear up many of our questions and give us a better idea of what to...
Make a bug report.
What exactly are the vote rewards?
Vice isn't even in season right now and its attracting dozens of players daily. And yes, lots of people do love vice.
Then i suppose thay my server that i started a week ago and just hit 4 players for the first time is about to die... (I dont have a server)
Sometimes there are less players then other times, i would like to see how the senior team is actively bringing in players though.
This is an illegal deal, ingame items may only be traded for other ingame items or items purchased on the server store.
Believe me im awhare, thats why i offered an apology.
Lol, i havent even applied for staff once. And could you please explain how im being rude. I offered you an apology and you rejected it.
There you have it, the true face of xMini.
Mix has 2,666 xD
Yes it is, and its @Jwg5555 selling it.
Every time ive been nice to you, you have rejected it and twisted it so that your always right or justified. There are more people in the world...
Fixed, it looked just like a building between cc and cr on gtm2. And just because i made an honest mistake doesn't mean you have to be nasty...