I hope this does not mean being able to net JPers, that would be retarded, gay, and overpowered.
Afchlam, jp kat should not be removed because it is the keystone of GTM, let me explain. For the vast majority of players, godfather, sponsor,...
Very nice!!!
What did i just read?
Idk if this will work but close out of any applications your not using.
Probably bad internet.
Every server is equil to one server and you only specified a server, therefore its not.
I agree but there are some things you got wrong. When samurai was an owner pres was one as well, samurai just left and prez took over completely....
That could just be a texture glitch, those screenshots dont show the name of the item therefore we cant do anything.
But streightforward.
Then there is nothing anybody can do, sry.
As a player we have the power to ask our peers to be more kind, weather they do it or not is up to them. One of the best ways to hint kindness is...
Sure, idc... i just want to be able to use it on gtm.
I was told that builders can use it but not players, id like to be able to use it on gtm. If you dont know what VoxelSniper is, it bassicly makes...
RPG's are much more expensive and not as spammable as grenade launchers.
Only if they got nerfed
Exactly, its worth a lot
There gay anyways