I didn't think you had that many xD
So you admit to breaking rule number 4, and we all know you break number 7. Forum Rules
Explain "first-hand experience"... Ive done LITTERALLY EVERYTHING there is to do on gtm.
Yes, but why would we need to if it barely exists.
TBH people can only be as good at jping as hitreg, so everybody's ass at jping.
There is, its called being kind.
Most jpers just leave ground people alone anyways.
Ive never thought it was overpowered, ive always just thought it was cool.
Could work, but i could also see it working against ground pvpers because it is MUCH easier to land hits when your on the ground then in the air....
With full standard armor its a 3 hit, many of the interesting hits are caused because of hitreg, gtm already has an anticheat it just doesn't ban...
Im calling your local therapist, whats your adress??
Please dont necropost but make sure you have server resource pack enabled, that might work.
Adding "weight" would ruin jp pvp because then you have imbalance, look at the ways we have imbalance already. Drugs are gay and the team has...
Hoaver, difinately
Unless you have proof theres nothing anybody can do.
I think you missed a catagory that you fit very well in: "people with sketchy hits" But then again, with HR the way it is you dont know who's...
Makes more sense!!!
Buy or upgrade? Thats so cheap to buy.