1. The better players, typicly high ranked players would be getting even more stuff off the buycraft giving them an even larger advantage. It...
It sounds to me like you want gtm to turn into another HCF server, or at least thats the bassics of what your explaining. Yes gtm needs...
Very nice!!! Keep it up!!! Wait no, dont, thats bad, stop killing, killing =bad.
4 voting sites starting about 1/3 through the month What doesn't add up is that i only missed a few times, most definately not 11. There is a...
GG everybody!!! Just wondering how 162 is possible but IDC, GJ mica!!!
Im loving the offline voting, its probably the best part of the update. -=Weapons i like=- -RPG -Snipers *Both recieved buffs and i think are...
Dont get me wrong we need a higher achievement or just need to make godfather harder to get. But godfather is in a bad spot RN as far as balancing...
But what weapon, the weapon that comes with godfather isn't even the best and the rifle class is pretty much all better then the minigun. The...
Godfathers pretty much useless so what would be the point in adding another?
Agreed, i think people doing this should also be punished because to me its no different then abusing a glitch.
This used to happen to me all the time, eventually i got so triggered i completely stopped netting ppl midair. @xDarkrai__ i will def be trying...
The terms and conditions of the store specificly say "No refunds under any circumstances"
If you want
I like half of it and i dislike the other half, as far as voting and other updates i think its great. However i find that every minute i play, i...
So we can offline vote now?!?!?!
It was at 100%
But that shouldn't reset it right?!?!
How did my vote streak go from 24 to 2 when its only been 12 hrs since i last voted?
1 thing that vast majority of religions have in common is that the afterlife is completely dependent on how you treated others during life.
Indeed... 571 left.