Not exactly what you said, but instead of a gang, possibly just give me an image for the forums? Robbie Rotten isn't cutting in lately. I was...
OMG RELATE 100 As a diehard minigunner (and sometimes jetpacker), I tend to just walk by anyone lower than Mobster. Typically though, they shoot...
Kriss Vector? Why not Gustav Gun?
We use P2W as a joke in this case, because Cord has spent almost 4k on the server :P
A new manager? Let's suck his toes!
Actually, Its, without an apostrophe, is the possessive of the pronoun it. It's, with an apostrophe, is a contraction of it is or it has. If...
As a mini user, I can assure my opinion isn't biased. Make something to counter the minigun, maybe a rail gun? This railgun would operate similar...
I know this is a serious post, but I swear I read this five times and I thought it said "combo bladder".
Who is da manager @DieHeldernaar ?
We don't have an economy. We just have Cord.
Looks good, and I like the theme, but then every building would have to be quite detailed, using the same blocks, which could get redundant and...
Well, regardless whether you stick to GTM 1, I wish you great luck in the months to come, and I hope you become our first "YouTube" Rank!
Uh exqoos meh but dat ting is taekn
I don't understand, every hates on minis yet they are still, regardless of what anyone says, one of the most skillful forms of PVP.
@IWulf_ HOLD UP! Based on past experience, I wouldn't recommend playing GTM 1 (No offense), but I feel that GTM 2 offers a lot more, more...
Are you rich enough to buy us all a life?
@Lemongrab Banned?