Not bugged, people are just abusing the fact that they can leave and kill gang members and have an inside man to invite them again. I propose a...
no u
Have you ever had a dream? That you, um, you had, your, you, you could, you’ll do, you, you wants, you, you could do so, you , you could...
I'm looking for an upgrade, Premium » Elite ($25) and/or Sneaky Cheat-code. Here's what I have in stock, and what you can choose from, this is...
I honestly never knew where hitman was, and never cared.
@MixLogic Nobody asked for it to be nerfed, the majority of players thought it was fine. The nerf that was 1 month ago fixed it perfectly.
@Grandacity Where did you go? Also, traps are gay.
I'm ready to quit, GTM is nerfing the shit out of everything with no consideration of experience priority.
I completely agree, and as I mentioned before, it's a waste of $5,000,000 to rankup to godfather if this is how things are going to be.
Nobody said this. The only exceptions being a couple salty jetpackers who fly too low. If anything was well-balanced, it would be the minigun....
Listen... If I had known this was going to happen, I wouldn't have spent $5,000,000 ranking up to godfather. It was a complete waste. Jetpacking...
The thing is, I was put in the gang by a friend, so we are still teamed, and he realized that they were gang killing, so he was willing to...
Yes, this happened to me too, so you know what I did? I left the gang and proceeded to rape DaryaTini till they rage quit.
Didn't we trade Africa for 2 billion in duped items?
tsk tsk, I don't speak korean, but I speak german, french, spanish, and english (no shit) and hindi
I speak google translate. But also yes.
@IWulf_ Wat kiend of Aboos?
Some dreams aren't meant to be.
Oh Useless Stück Scheiße Bullshit werde ich gehen ficken verdammt du bist verdammt Hure Arsch Stück Scheiße youtuber Rang.
What if it was named Mix's sex slave?