Jesus christ, Mix, you must be kidding. How dareth thy restricteth me from useth of the supreme currency?
I'm so poor, I just /warp around until I reach my destination.
but mishel is a bad boy and abooser
This isn't what i'm saying. I'm saying, if you aren't able to kill a minigunner, then a teammate will help you monumentally.
Ah, but this doesn't solve anything, cops would get gunned down immediately.
I don't understand, can you please specify?
Another solution against minigunners is having a good teammate (one you can trust). 2 SMG users kill a minigunner every time as long as they play...
At this stage, I was ranting about jetpackers flying around and continuously killing me (as a dealer), but I learned quickly (and you should too)...
Agreed, areas of richness and royalties such as the city are reserved for minigunners and jetpackers/wingers. Anyone else can go anywhere they...
I read this, and it makes sense in my head, but have you ever fought a minigunner with the intention of winning rather than surrendering and...
@Cord_VII Do you want any of my ROBUX for $$$?
I like this idea! Some patching would have to be done in order to make sure others can't access/damage/destroy others' vehicles, but this would be...
If it has been over 2 months, then I'm pretty sure staff will be able to fully refund your cash and items, but i'm not too sure about the maverick.
They are skill based against eachother, and no, they don't "dumb gameplay down" by making weapons obsolete. If you want to be a complete brute...
There is a huge advantage for non-wingers. Nets. Netting a winger is almost a guaranteed kill, regardless what you're using, micro smg in a jp,...
Boy, do I relate. On Hypickel and KoobKraft, once in a while, a hacker comes up, that can't be detected by the anti-cheat, but GTM, has... had,...
"Literally no one cares"- Everyone
"There are enough bones in the human body to make an entire skeleton"-Some rly smart kiddo
"Be Cruee, everyone else is already taken." -MixLogic