Have you been to GTM 1? 1/1 player is a hacker.
I can also help out if needed, around 40,000 Chicken Soups, $600,000
I'll debate that. Anyday, anytime. Just give me the chance.
Why is Darth Vader melting for the 2nd time?
Imma be honest. I dropped a like, but I stopped reading as soon as you said "black panther".
In our defense, it is approaching a level of mental retardation to fly that low.
Oh, I didn't mean throwables, I meant grenade launchers and rpgs. Sorry for my crude wording.
Along with this, bombs of all kinds need to be nerfed.
Getting real tired of getting hackusated on every GTM, at this exact moment, 5 people are trying to get me banned.
I cri
No you cracker
I think what you're saying is, if the items that are given from the cheatcode are worth less than half of the price of the IRL money, that's when...
What kind of buff?
I think cheatcodes should be removed, they are slowly destroying the eco.
sky_flaming what did you get banned for?
Everyone is being lawyer-like preparing a well fought argument on the minigun, but I just want to say, Staff are great, some of my favorites (and...
*proceeds to down a 12-pack of beer and rant about the government's lies*