if i was u i would try to make a forums post about a unban or something saying buy me my "30$ unban and ill pay you 30mill" or something like that
pff, why u here go to clout's forums lul gotemmmmmm
Nice moutage Darkrai! I have been seeing that people started using the bullipup, fun fact i started that! (;
gratz on m... eh nvm jk, gratz on mod ill still be 3v1ing u <3
hi e-girl #3! (naked_sheep being #2 and tweettweet606 or whatever her ign was being #1)
what mango said!
nice video!
good shit Keiin GG on sirmod.
i agree too
No doesn’t work like that buddy
your mom lol
His friend my ass it’s his alt lmfao
And that was over a span of 6 months
Yes, I was banned and appealed About like 7 or 8 times and I just did a another appeal and he accepted it (:
I know your busy, but I’m still banned. Please If you would please get to it.
@JJrocks2001 I’m still banned .-.
@Owendog77 no rather not use 75$ yikes
im a donkeys butt