no u cant do that.
Please make it a appeal!
Best mod winger (rn)
ok make a appeal,Looking at this it says "Third offense" so im guessing your a hacker and u didnt get false banned because its prepty uncommon to...
ching choingching choingching choingching choingching choingching choingching choingching choin?????!1 me me = = muscLeMpIre AkA mAStEr oF dA...
I have a challenge for you in your next video if u can kill 1 jper, 1 winger and 3 grounders ill give u 10 dildos, 25 miniguns, 10 helms, 10...
(i want sneaky for gtm1)
Congratz on wining the giftcard giveaway for 10$ :o. U should buy sneaky 4 me ill give u 5mil on gtm4 lmfao
Congratz to the winners! @darkrai_ hold the mfing L
^ still waiting
Necro = in a post thats 2 weeks or more older right if so @mxatitan did the same shit
i dont <o/
or a I<3Helm with prot 5 on gtm1
ill give u 10m on gtm4 :P
C cc?c. ligma