Because Shoehead's post is getting tons of upvotes I would like to add on to his. I love the middle man idea, I dont like the player. So ill make...
too many 00's.
I agree with what wrap said. If you find the server shit, don't play it. Its that easy! It's ok you get mad because you get killed cos your a BOT...
stAfF??? GG (:
I love the idea, but i dont find shoehead trustable.
I see your viewing a unban appeal if its tyson DONT ACCCEPT >:D!
Yeah he isnt going to scam for an extra 8 wings... If he was going to scam it would be for like 25mil or smth
oh and congratz i guess
Alright I feel like there is too many admins rn, One is coming to be a manager *cough* justnassim *cough*
No your a scammer also " perosal"
Yeah I know
The deal was good. Ty
Ok i payed the 10m
I agree
hes buying me a 10$ gtm gift im giving him 10mill gtm4.
The deal is 2 stacks of kats + a 61 stack, 1 dub of jps, around 1 and a half dubs of kwons and sams, A perm gang invite, and to be invited to my...
I agree.
br u h
I heard you were NobodynamedCptn, hzk, jzk, Mangoz, Doric, Tusa, Darkrai, GrafCash, GrafCashJr, Declaring, DummythiccDaryl, Capatainyellow114,...