No i buyd it for 850k, but you can buy it for 500k each ofcourse. Still got 2 heads for sale ;)
Wait what?! "2 Words"? "no" is one word. And "two word no" are 3 words. Mindfuck!
My dick...
I tough they had something that you could make your own book with your colours permits etc. Maybe it is removed in 3 days or your getting old ;) xD
Okay.. Always check it tough xD Im sorry for all my qeustions but most people try to fake it. And that sucks xD
So, you mean this is the wrong website? Yeah sure, easy mistake. Where my questions not easy enough to fake? ...
You dont even know if you were Mobster or Godfather. How could staff believe you? You got proof? Screens? You could also provide some more...
It wont happen because money houdes are ow ed by multiply people and it wont be able to only do it for one owner. Its also to difficult to add it...
I know but some people are interested for it, and i will still hold him tough xD
Hello, Im poor. I need money. Got too much things you know... So, i will sell it. You can gmsg or msg ingame to iGiveYouBright or make an offer...
You can simpely make your own house on creative or let it build for some money by the build team (Charloe15, Unforgiven_Soul, etc).
Should i make rightnow a thread with the things i sell on gtm1? xD
I also dont think that..
I will make a forum for what i sell.. xD
You mean you sold it to me for 850?...
Why did you legt? You also leave the forums? :(
Oh he had an problem with Paypal, i also have hat. Something is wrong iwth paypal so we might do tghe deal another time
I will pay him 3 mil for 500 crowbars on gtm1. Do you agree? I agree
I will give him 7 mil and 10 wings for 500 crowbars (GTM1) Do you agree? I agree