Well i obviously try to sell mah old boat for 2500 euro and try to get another 2500 euro. So i dare you to gimme 10$ ;) xD dont ask me why but ye
Mhm, i dare you to give me irl money for my new boat ;)
Well uhm, it was cinda a too good deal. So i dont think the deal went further.
As Megadog1212 sayd. Could you please make some description about what is happening? What the house number is? Staff cant do anything with “I...
You could always have more houses ;) or backpack, enderchest etc . I think people btw believe you so i wish you gl that you get them back. But i...
He wants to buy it ;)
How much money is that.. xD
Whait whut, do they also get payd? Didnt even knew that xD
It isnt that much proof. Because you could easily took it in another chest to get free more bongs. I btw belive you i guess, i hope you get those...
Offer me xD i will go tomorrow at vacantion so if your in the morning on, then we can make a deal xD
I would've done 3 if i didnt gave away one xD ;)
No. We dont get payd. Im also not a staff member. ALso staff members dont get payd. And please dont spam the forums with messeges. And if you post...
Did you gave me one? xD I had 4 and gave away 1 ;) Only want 1 of each member
It wont be happen. Minigun will stay the expensived and the top gun (altough it isnt anymore). It would he an option to add a new gun, maybe a...
Coolguy62 did it and Hiprauz etc. I wont do it tough, im to poor.. Only got 33 mil :(
It isnt a scam above 200k. Its just that people also want to pay more for a deal. 200k isnt that much rightnow. But if you know it better, then im...
I will never win something. Anyone that wants to give me something or buy me something? Im poor you know and i never win. Be like me, be poor.