Enjoy (more enjoy spam)
Motel is closed on GTM1. But try to go to Crossroad and maybe CityCenter! Maybe i can help you one time to find one at GTM4 if you want
When i wasnt Helper i also fell that /report wasnt answered anytime. Now im helper, i really see when someone reports someone. I also see that...
Yeah i asked him ingame and he sayd 7 days. So lets lock this i guess xD
Agree, mhm. But what do you think of the idea itself? Maybe messages at that category wouldnt count as messages. You know what im saying? I think...
Hi, yesterday i made a fault. I spammed the “off topic” forums on one forum. It was just with the topic starer so that wasnt the problem. BUT: i...
xD I will make a suggestion of it.
Yeah i mis understand. But they should add a spam/flex forum ;)
Okay but i tought “off topic” wasnt a problem to spam in. I tought we could go wild but i think i mis understand that, sorry tough.
Dont worry, i learned from you to mute in years ;)
Sorry Skylix. Forgot this thread was on the normal topics and not off-topic. Thats why i was gone wild. Sorry, my bad and i will try to look...
Shit Cruee is going to demote me xD rip me, i loved being Helper for 1 day. I want to thank everyone i guess.. :(
I wont mute you permanent mah boy, but i will do it for 80 years ;)
NUUUUUU WHY. Your making this thread dead while me and Hashted were enjoying it very muh..
Nah he got a ghost producer/artist behind him who is doing that work ;€
@JustNassim @DieHeldernaar Tell me what you think about this thread! ;)
Im sure, but TTHHAANKKSSSS fot asking
Yeah me to. Ok.