Nah but i didnt expected it from Flying tough...
Never knew that you where FlyingKittens, also, i wont expected that you would hate on me... Why are you thinking i want to be a Helper for the...
@Have_Some_MIlk OHH BOI This is great, are you going to collab with @Flofin ? ;) I will be your Manager, tell me when you got time and i will get...
Idk xd
The server was hacked. After the Developers worked the whole, GTM is back on. It still got some lag and issues. Expect that you dont got any...
Yeah i did xD
I will talk about it. Offtopic: It isnt to performance. Im on the Staff Team because i like to help people and everything that comes with it. I...
I agree that it sucks we cant use /stack. Dont think we dont also want to use it. But Developers are working on other things. On bigger things....
OOF I also cant wait. Im sure Mix will give me his head ;)
HAHAHA xD. Just try to improve what you did wrong that you didnt got accepted. In my first apply i repeated myself too much, then my second i...
Thanks but i think @JustNassim or @DieHeldernaar should lock this for the “off topic-ness” (is that a word o.O?)
Thank you, are you also going to apply? ;)
Please stop staying offtopic.
Please give it to an Admin. He will give you a normal one.
Every glitched item needs to be destroyed. Diamond Swords arent like glitched Flames, so they will et destroyed without getting something else....
Yeah those Diamonds arent banable but they are glitched. Could you give them to me or another staff member? We appreciate it if you put them...
You mean the lag sometimes when you die and come in spawn anf fly some seconds far away? Are you sure you dont got a wing on you? As MixLogix...
Mix, do you like pregnant boys?
Please be patient.
@adsfghjkl12 You see what they want ;) Please lock this for them.