I Have an Idea, What About Weapon Attachments? Like Lasers, Scopes, Suppressors, etc. Its Possible to do with some Work
Ok Ok, But what im about to say might be slightly impossible... There will be a 'Mode' or Different Buttons to activate zooming in or scopes.
No Offence, Sir, The only thing that zooming in does is stop push/recoil. Imagine 100% accuracy, instead of thick bold crosshairs of half the...
I Was Thinking of Something. Instead of just zooming in with guns, why dont staff make it so its a complete scope? Staff can use Pumpkins as these...
Voting Websites block vote websites of your Internet. If you vote on 1 vote website on 1 account, unless you install a new internet you cant vote...
Whats that supposed to mean? Its Optifine + Prototype Pack
Lol thx xD
Ok, Some things ive noticed with Gtm. 1. Everyday i used to see tons of staff Welcoming players every 3 seconds, with the player count going off...
Having items that are not Guns or Official Gtm Items, are Bannable if you refuse to hand it over to staff.
This is unfair. Due to some Stupid Idiots, atleast 100 players have to lose so much they have worked for? @IanPeru Why do we have to lose our...
Well, if you have to go get someone thats hiding in a building or something, they will just peak and kill you because your not holding the...
I Agree, I have a gaming mouse that allows me to turn around and kill players with a minigun, but if im Immobile i'll take atleast 2 seconds to...
Ok it wasnt a rollback. Do you remember where the house is? maybe ask @MixLogic or @Tim Lampen to check it out.
When i sometimes jitter with a Mini, i get False reported/called out for fast Place!! :(
Maybe it got caught up in a rollback while you were gone. How long before you left did you buy it?
I was Scrolling through Ranks, and kits, When i suddenly realised, it says 'Unlock Neon Armour Upgrade!' 'Unlock Durable armour upgrade!' Is this...
Do you have anyone else that plays on your account? they could have sold it
Today i was jp katanaing when I get accused for Kill aura, by 2 people. I want to say i do not Hack.