Requesting refund for 20million, I got sponsor. Deal will be changed to 10million for sponsor to supreme. @Cord_VII do you agree?
Paid the other 15million, waiting for purchase.
Sillenced is good, paid 5mil for his 15 permit house a while back didn't scam me.
@Cord_VII please log on so I can give you the other 15mil, and you can buy me all the rankups. I will be on in the next 8 hours :P
I will be giving KingCordVII 30,000,000 or 30mil on GTM2 in exchange for A premium to elite upgrade, elite to sponsor, then sponsor to supreme. In...
We're doing one.. xD Thanks
I am looking for someone do a donor deal with me... I currently have 50,000,000$ and no one will do donor deals. If you are looking to become a...
Appeal with a ticket.
Can we add this? :D
Thank you so much!
Not everyone here is as ecstatic as you HenningLenz, some people just wanna chill on their server. xD
Of course, many things are overpowered in gtm... Katanas... Etc... This Is GTM. Cussing is allowed, what would you mean by overpowered? Use too...
I'm perma banned there's no point.
I will be givnig 16 million and 2 jps and 2 katanas in exchange for tibberstheking buying me Consecutive premium to elite, then elite to sponsor....
I will be giving Robert 4 million dollars on GTM 1 in exchange for him buying me Premium to Elite (17.50$)
I will be giving Robotican 18mil on Gtm2, and 4mil on gtm1 For him to buy me 2 things. In exchange, he will buy me premium to elite upgrade...