in star wars Luke dies or well he vanishes. #NoSpoilersRight
He bought the crowbars and I payed him
FransBouwer cant access forms. He will be buying the crowbars first and I will be paying 1.75mill. I don't know if he'll chargeback so im making a...
im waiting for him to agree. but he wants me to pay before
Im pay FransBouwer 1.75mill and he's buying me 250 crowbars FfransBower do you agree. please write agree
im gonna be doing another giveaway be on th look out
number 16 has won and on my list that is LittleSSavage. I will massage you in game as you are one that said didn't know how to use forms.
I will be picking the winner now. My OBS isn't working at the moment so sorry about that. we have 18 enters as a few people have massaged me in...
im hosting a $20 doner deal giveaway. winner will be picked tomorrow. to enter look at new posts and it shoud be there or under trading
15 people have entered. winner will be picked tomorrow. When winner is picked I will massage you if you are on. but if your not I wont be able to...
doing a $20 doner deal give way. To enter go to forms then click on GTM then press trading and it should be there
lol thanks HenningLenz
doing a doner deal give away. to find out more information about it please go to forms. Then scroll to gtm then click on trading.
9 people have entered so far. Pleas could you spread the word
6 people have entered so far all putting in 2mil
it would be great if everyone could share this giveaway with friends. But I understand if you want a higher chance to win
Doing a doner deal give away. To enter click on FORUMS. Then go to GTM and click on trading. Good luck to all. You all have the same chance
what server do you play on?
good luck to everyone that's entered to far
Doing a downer deal giveaway. To find out how to enter go to forms then trading then click on GTM and it should be there. Good luck to all.