Great vid! I loved the content, now I know what minigun PVP looks like. ;) What texture pack do you use?
Can you add more detail to your question? What is SP? ;)
Skylix is HelpOP? Wow, congratulations! Certainly a well deserved pick, I expect a lot of good. Don't turn bad @SkylixMC ;)
A halloween video? Certainly brings back the memory of the halloween lobby. Keep it up. ;)
Hi, Interesting suggestion. I agree with what Nicoo said. However, if this was to become a thing, it should be something you can win in crates or...
Stich11. After several deals in which people took advantage of his kindness, he no longer does donor deals. You can still try asking him though. ;)
He (was) a SrMod who is pretty much impossible not to notice.. where have you been all these 6 months? In the lobby? ;)
Wow! It has certainly a long journey for JJ, I am very happy for him and expect plenty of good from him!
Happy birthday!
It's not kong.. It's kyong, isn't it?
Wow, this is cool! I myself can't build, but I do have a friend who can. ;) I'll tag him for you @Qhong
Maybe he mis-clicked? Happens to me sometimes. ;)
Make a forum post about it, writing this on your wall will decrease the chances of staff noticing. :)
I believe that here are currently 5 available spaces, so don't worry. :)
True! I believe there has been a thread made for this, right here. Can't wait for more HelpOPs to be promoted to MOD (In theory, you're the third...
Dear Community, I bring to you very pleasant news. MrMime has been promoted to MOD! Congratulations to MrMime, you have been staff for quite a...
LilPump is King
Mate, you're supposed to make a support ticket, not name a thread 'SUPPORT'. ;) Click -->here<-- to create a proper support ticket, don't forget...
Hey :)
Yeah, he is is definitely worth the position he recieved. Judging my his stats and activity, I expect to see him a mod soon! (Along with @iTraitor...