Are you a dad?
GG to yourself? xD GG!! You deserved it, I hope to see you as builder in the near future.
Did you read his message? He said he knows it's within the rules.. it was just a warning. And it's not really his problem he got scammed.. its the...
Good warning. I'v heard that he has scammed many katanas and JPs off of people. He even stole Samuri's head off of SpongeCat. Just a salty guy who...
The only show out of those that @peraldon mentioned, I've only seen Sherlock... xD
The patterns in it could be used in several architectural styles, one example being islamic art. If you plan on building a mosque or an Arabian...
Wow SoldierOfAlbania, you told me you can't build. xD This build is incredible, I love every aspect of it.
Hi, sorry to those who disagree.. but explosions are made to kill people right away, making them as powerful as a hit from a pistol would be...
That's very honest of you to make a thread like that. I would open a support ticket or contact a manager via forums or discord. :)
If this is to iTraitor, at least post it on his wall.. don't make him have to look for this message. ;)
Wow, he was a great part of TheSponges gang..
Happy bday ;)
Not bad, not staff, but if I ever become staff, I would get that. ;)
Haha, it's alright.. good to see the issue being solved. ;)
Haha, if that would make you feel better. ;) Let me edit.
Sounds really great! I'm looking forward to seeing the 'new' improved GTM tomorrow! ;)
Maybe you connected to the wrong GTM server? Try checking on all of the servers, your stuff might be on one of them. ;)
Yup, great candidate. Hire @Thirob xD
I like the red tag on your name. :)