Sure. Stack (according to staff) is disabled. As for your gang, there was a glitch which reset all gangs, I believe it was resolved though, not...
Thanks. :) Don't necropost though. The last reply was a month ago. ;)
Don't know him much, but I don't see why he couldn't be good. :)
No problem! Thanks for taking my feedback into consideration!
Staff, if you would like to see the hacker footage. Skip forward to 4:33 (in the hacker video).
It would help if the youtube video showed only the part where that guy is hacking, otherwise, I have to sort through the entire 7-minute video to...
Ah. Well, I believe DEALER unlocks the special carbine.
Hallo, kannst du bitte auf Englisch schreiben? Menschen hier können nicht so gut deutsch sprechen. Danke
Sup gangster
Sure, on GTM1, right? How much do you need? (be reasonable) ;)
You want money? You know what to do then
Very beautiful! I'll be sure to visit your place next time I'm on creative! (if you don't mind). :)
Not sure about that.. I had no idea it was broken. Let me tag a manager who deals with this stuff. :) @peraldon
Congratulations to the winners, y'all better spend that money wisely! Thank you Micatchu for hosting another giveaway! :D
Wow! That's awesome! I won't be purchasing anything since I already have my dream rank, but I certainly congratulate all those who got a chance to...
Very litty and helpful! Can't decide which like to put.. can you help me decide? Good rules actually, let's hope less people will get scammed by...
I think he was being sarcastic when he wrote the question mark. ;)
Damn, congrats on that