So it's basically a Daily Swap.
Hey, since i'll most likely win Vote Wars and buy Sponsor i am now looking for Sponsors on GTM2, GTM3, GTM4, GTM5 and GTM6 who are willing to give...
The Respack is kinda broken atm. They'll fix that soon. Don't worry.
How do they work .-.
GTM's back online btw
She's not banned or anything, her ranks just gone because of the Money Glitch they did a Rollback.
np, Likes are always appreciated lol jk i am not that sad.
@srm0310 please use this Link to make an Appeal once the Server's back online.
The Server's down for almost 6 hours now bc of a Money Glitch and a new Update being released atm.
ye, ty, this is really annoying me atm.
I am literally about to quit this Server, the Reset ate another 6 votes of mine but adsfghjkl12 still has his votes and i am missing 15 fcking...
The recent post about the Trash Can Glitch is wrong. The Glitch works when you shoot with a Weapon about 3 times or sth so that the weapon's mag...
Can any Staff Member please fix this, somebody just paid me 10Mil it's getting ridiculous
The whole economy on GTM1 is broken already got 1 Mil Bounty on me
Ye this has to be fixed asap
This is just one big mess.
Thanks Micatchu. I really want a clear answer to this stuff bc only 4 days left on Vote Wars.
There's a setting in Killaura Clients where u can set the FOV of the Aura so that teleporting the NPC behind the Hacker wouldn't work
Ye true, how many 500k Money Houses are there? I know the one at SS.