The Gun is Ok.
I hate em all. xd
Well, the Vote War $100 Gift Card's baiting too hard to ignore it.
Just a random Question. What's your Votestreak rn and what was your highest? Mine's 124 atm [IMG]
Got any Proof so i can maybe add him?
Actually i am happy af bc i am not doing any Kit Swaps atm anyways so now Walter can waste his time on this :O
You are speculating. It's prob. right, but it's still Speculation. EDIT: aaand you were wrong
How do you know these Things again?
You make no Sence, winnings: 1st: 500 CB's 2nd: 250 3rd : 100 4th: 100 5th: 500? according to your logic 6th 250? 7th 100 8th 50 wtf r u even...
7PLACE: PREMIUM, 100K, 10 CROWBARS Did he "mean 50 there too" :)?
You can't purchase anything under 50 Crowbars in the Store, how are you going give People 5 Crowbars again? Random Giveaway is random and seems...
If I am going to add people I need full IGN, Server and Rank and Proof if possible
That's how Molotovs work. [MEDIA] If you don't want it to go off instantly you gotta rename it to fire grenade or whatever.
@Chirag What a nice Guy. Added.
zCai Trap confirmed.
Yeah because I use the weird American Date System and Stuff where the fcking Month comes first because reasons.
nvm he/she/it already replied, am I blind? look at her/his post above mine. gg Walter
Ercyan said: ↑ ends at 6pm CET 6.12. 6.12.2017 i suppose? dfq r u talkin about.
It's 7 pm CET
so.. when does it end? xD